Term 3
Long Ago
This term we have been exploring the topic ‘Long Ago’. We began the term by taking an adventure to Sandown Museum, where we looked at objects from long ago and compared them to objects that we use today. As well as looking at how objects and places have changed over time, we also looked at how the children have changed from babies to now and how they are going to change in the future. We were lucky enough to have a visit from two mothers and their babies, where we learnt more about what babies can do and how they change as they grow. During the term we looked at old toys and discussed how people used to make their own toys, food and clothes. We even made our own peg dolls. At the end the term we invited our grandparents into school. We asked them lot of questions and they talked to us about what life was like for them as a child and in school. They also taught us how to play some traditional games.
Term 4
Ready, Steady, Grow
This term we have been learning about food and farming by exploring where food comes from, what plants and animals need to grow and how to keep ourselves healthy. We started the term with an adventure to RSPCA Mallydams, where we went on a minibeast trail, explored habitats, and participated in creative activities in the woods. Throughout the term, we have been creating our own pictures of plants, fruits, vegetables and animals, thinking carefully about which parts are required. We have enjoyed trying new foods and preparing food to eat, following instructions and recipes. We have made a fruit salad, butter and a vegetable salad in the shape of a caterpillar or a butterfly. We have been exploring our Sandown gardens with Kathyrn, our school gardener, exploring spring flowers, as well as planting bean seeds, strawberry plants, potatoes and cutting off the tops of root vegetables to grow the scraps. We were very excited to meet some real lambs, Charlie and Lola, who were only 2 and 3 weeks old! We also celebrated World Book Day and Science Week this term. On World Book Day, we dressed up as our favourite book characters or ready for a story and spent the day sharing lots of books, creating paper plate book characters and recommending books for others to read. In Science Week, we thought creatively about how the dinosaurs became extinct, undertook a dinosaur excavation and invented our own tree planting machines. We ended the term by planting some new seeds in our Lorax Forest and planting sunflowers with our parents.