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British Values

As a school, we value and celebrate our diverse heritage and being part of Britain. We celebrate traditions and customs and national events through the year. These include Harvest Festival in autumn and Christmas celebrations
Children learn about being part of Britain from different perspectives. They learn where Britain is in relation to the rest of Europe and other countries in the world. They learn about significant events in British history. These include World War 1, The Great Fire of London and key historical figures. 

We agree with the Department for Education’s five-part definition of British values:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

At Sandown, pupils will encounter these principles throughout everyday school life.


Children at Sandown have a voice through our school council.  Students elect one of their peers to represent them on the council. This meets regularly to discuss issues raised within the school and classroom to make the school a better place to learn. There is an agenda, discussion and they take minutes. 

The council can genuinely make changes within the school and gives our children an understanding of democracy.  For example, in Key Stage 2 pupils debated the pros and cons of wearing a school uniform, homework and lunchtime.

Children, staff and parents/carers can also voice their views in the form of ‘pupil voices’ and questionnaires.

The rule of law

At Sandown we teach the importance of laws and their value to govern and protect us. We look at the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when people break the law.

We promote the rule of law with:

  • a clear, consistent behaviour policy based upon positive rewards, like Funky Friday assembly and silver jumpers
  • opportunities for children to reflect on positive and negative behaviour.
  • Road Safety and awareness teaching throughout the curriculum and the chance to join Bikeability courses
  • good links with authorities such as our Police Community Support Officer and local Fire Service
  • whole-school assemblies that cover issues of law when appropriate
  • visits from external agencies to talk to the children in school
  • our reward system to acknowledge good behaviour as well as good academic work.
  • regular E-Safety discussion with pupils in computing lessons

Individual liberty

Alongside rules and laws, we promote freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express views and beliefs.  There are many opportunities for child-led learning. In a variety of curriculum areas pupils make choices about how they work and choose to challenge themselves.

We provide a safe and supportive environment which actively encourages pupils to make choices.

We encourage pupils to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms.

We advise how to exercise these safely, for example through our e-Safety and PHSE lessons.

Children understand responsibility in school, in terms of behaviour and attitude to learning.

There are Home / school agreements for all pupils. One of our school’s mottos is to bring home and school together.

Pupils learn how to be safe and how to act safely. This is given an additional emphasis during anti-bullying week.

We offer a range of lunchtime activities and afterschool clubs for pupils to choose from.

Mutual respect

Mutual respect is at the core of our school life. All members of our school community encourage and endorse good manners and respect. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. We encourage them to respect and appreciate each other; no matter what differences may exist.

At Sandown, children learn respect through:

  • the promotion of positive relationships
  • all adults working in school modelling positive relationships
  • all aspects of the curriculum, in particular the R.E and Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum. Successful working in groups requires respect for each other.
  • the work of the school council
  • the positive reward system developed to promote respect
  • our Funky Friday assembly when all pupils show respect for the efforts of others.
  • participation in events to raise money for various charities. The school council choses some, like Red Nose Day for Comic Relief, Mufti Day for St Michaels Hospice and selling poppies in school.
  • living with their peers on educational residential visits.
  • collecting Harvest gifts for the local homeless charity.
  • lunch catering for different needs.
  • learning songs and playing instruments from a variety of cultures celebrating different national and global communities.

Accepting those of different faiths and beliefs

We put a large emphasis on promoting diversity with the children at Sandown.

Tolerance is promoted in our school through:

  • our vision statement
  • assemblies which regularly include stories and celebrations from a variety of faiths and cultures e.g. Diwali. 
  • our RE and PSHE curriculum- different religions, customs and family groups are taught throughout the school.
  • educational visits to places of religious worship e.g. the local church; children make poppies and lay them at the memorial statue during Remembrance Day
  • the school’s equal opportunities policy
  • inviting members of different faiths or religions to assemblies to share their culture and beliefs with the children
  • sharing world events to positively reinforce life and culture in other countries (football world cup, the Olympics, etc)

We believe that we gain tolerance through knowledge and understanding. 

In our curriculum and the routines of our daily school life, we help children to develop these qualities.

While promoting British values; we would actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views.