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Welcome to Year 3 - Elder and Juniper Classes


Miss Straw
Miss Straw
Teacher: Elder Class
My name is Miss Straw and I am so excited to start my teaching journey at Sandown after finishing my degree in Primary Education at the University of Brighton. Outside of school I enjoy long walks with my puppy called Billie, and rides in the forest on my horse called George. I also enjoy reading and spending time with my friends and family.
Miss Jones
Miss Jones
Teacher: Juniper Class
Mrs Thompsett
Mrs Thompsett
Teacher: Juniper Class


Mrs Fonseca
Mrs Fonseca
Mrs White
Mrs White
Mrs Holewell
Mrs Holewell

This is the first year of Key Stage 2 and we build on the skills and knowledge the children have gained in Key Stage 1. We have many exciting focuses within our curriculum alongside English texts that encourage our young readers to dive into a world of books to inspire their imagination and learning.

Our three key driver topics are:

· Through the Ages

· Rocks, Relics and Rumbles

· Emperors and Empires

Each term, we have a mixture of Stunning Starts, Marvellous Middles or Fantastic Finishes to further engage our children in the topic and immerse them in their love of learning. Stone Age dress up day, Ukulele concert and a trip to Hastings Museum are just a few we will be enjoying this year.

Parental Engagements are held each term when we invite the children’s carers to participate in class events.

· Term 1 – Welcome to Life in Year 3 and Meet the Teacher

· Term 2 – Making an Advent Wreath Clock

· Term 3 – Loving Reading

· Term 4 – Ukulele Concert

· Term 5 - Beautiful Botanicals Art Exhibition

· Term 6 – Book Look

Parent Consultations will be arranged throughout the year to set your child’s targets and discuss their progress. If you would like to speak to us at any other time, please feel free to message us on Class Dojo.

Have a look at the tabs below to see what we have been learning about in each term.