Year 6 started the year with hard work and demonstrated the determined and diligent learners they were going to be when they completed a week of SATs. This was quickly followed by 3 days of fun, excitement and laughter with our residential to Blackland Farm. In the glorious sunshine, the children learnt to be expert canoers on the lake, scrambled through rocks and abseiled down towers! The children created forever memories with their friends and teachers as they stepped outside their comfort zone.
The residential was a great way to start proving our independence as we prepare for secondary school, therefore providing lots of us with opportunities to work towards earning our silver jumpers! Term 1 and 2 saw lots of children earning and wearing their silver jumpers with pride!
We kicked off Year 6 writing with a balanced argument about xenotransplantation. A boy named Cameron needed a heart transplant; but is it ethically plausible to have a pig’s heart in a human body? The children took part in a passionate debate as to whether xenotransplantation should be allowed. We extended our knowledge about the heart as we studied the Circulatory System in science. To investigate the heart, we carried out fair tests and comparative experiments surrounding different types of exercises to evaluate which has the greatest effect on heart rate.
In History, we discovered that during the Triangular Slave Trade, there were three passages and slaves endured a painful and excruciating journey to the West Indies and Americas along the Middle Passage.
We ended Term 2 with another round of SATs tests and were extremely proud of our progress and learning across the term. With lots of learning still to complete, Year 6 were looking forward to a new term of challenges to face and knowledge to gain.