Meet Sandown School’s Governing Board
Find out about the school’s governors and the work that we do.
Our commitment: to ensure that all at Sandown reach its aspiration of being: ‘The best that we can be’.
Our main role: We act as a ‘critical friend’ to the headteacher and the staff. We provide support and positive challenge as they work to improve the school. In this way we aim to achieve high standards and excellence across every aspect of school life.
Our main duties include:
- ensuring the school’s vision and ethos are clear;
- ensuring the school meets its statutory obligations and duties;
- setting strategic direction for school, overseeing the school self-evaluation and targets for improvement;
- approving the school’s budget and overseeing its financial performance to make sure its money is well spent;
- reviewing progress against the school’s budget and targets;
- appointing, and holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
Our organisation and working structure:-
Our Governing Board operates through a ‘circle’ structure. It is dynamic, efficient and an effective way of working. We meet and work as a whole governing board across the school year.
Our meetings are at school in the late afternoon and last around two hours. We attend training sessions and seminars. These help us keep up to date with changes in schools and education and to help us do our job effectively.
Individual governors are linked to particular areas of school life. We regularly visit the school and liaise with staff and meet with pupils. This helps us find out how the school is progressing towards its targets. We may set up working groups to look at issues or aspects of school life; such as pay, staff appraisal, buildings development.
There are several categories of governor, appointed by different groups that have an interest in the school. These are:
- co-opted governors,
- the Local Authority (“LA”),
- parents and
- staff.
All governors have equal status.
If you have any questions or an interest in becoming a school governor, please contact one of the following:
- Clerk to Governors, Sue Poole at
- School Office on 01424 436983 or
Further information about our Governing Board can be viewed here: