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Science week 2021

Posted on 22 Mar 2021 - 1 min read

By Sandown Primary School

We had a fantastic Science Week at Sandown! The children explored, ‘What a scientist is like’. They discovered that scientists are not always the stereotypical man in a white coat that we sometimes imagine. We hope to continue to ‘smash stereotypes’ in all our curriculum areas in the future.

Smashing stereotypes

5 to 14 March 2021 is British Science Week.  In our science lessons at Sandown we are #smashing stereotypes in science.

What does a scientist look like? Can I be a scientist? What skills to I need to be a scientist? These are some of the questions we will be exploring in Science Week.


Video call with Sagida Bibi

Year 6 were extremely fortunate in having a live video call with Sagida Bibi as part of our Science Week - Smashing Stereotypes Innovating for the Future learning. Sagida is one of the lead scientists who have developed the Astra Zeneca vaccine at Oxford University. Sagida explained how, when she was at primary school, she didn’t know what she wanted to do when she grew up. She knew she wanted to do something to “help the world “. She told us she came from an inner city home and went to college, then studied science. This year she has worked to create the COVID vaccine. She feels a huge sense of pride to know that people’s lives depend on her. The children asked so many sensible questions and learnt so much about the skills needed to be a scientist.

Please watch this short film sent to Sandown by Sagida, who is one of the Astra Zeneca Vaccine development team.