All schools receive funds to improve the provision of Physical Education and Sport in school (Sport Premium).
Find out what we achieved with the funds in our PE Premium report 2023-24.
The PE and sport premium plan 2024-25 shows how we plan to spend the PE and Sport Premium in the 2024/25 academic year.
Whole school impact
The PE and Sport Premium impact 2023/24 shows the impact from the PE and Sport Premium from the 2023/24 academic year.
Here is some of the sporting achievements we achieved over previous academic years:
· Real PE taught across the whole school in which staff received training for. · New staff and ECT’s given extra training from September to help them prepare for lessons and to increase confidence. · PE Co-ordinator attended YST meeting to gain clarity of the School Games. · EIP meeting conducted for head teachers to form a 10 school alliance and sports cluster. · A new calendar devised to have 16 competitions hosted by Sandown. · PE Co-ordinator attended training about what PE should look like within an EYFS setting. · This enabled us to develop a core knowledge document to ensure we meet the expectations of Physical Activity within our Reception and Nursery. · Fitness Groove active assemblies 3 days a week outside to increase physical activity with medals included. · PE Star of the week implemented to allow one child from each class to be celebrated for the achievements in lesson during assembly. · 37 Sporting Events attended across the academic year, our highest ever! · 24 Schools attended our football tournaments with a total of 236 fixtures of football and 60 children from Sandown able to participate. · Sandown represented the Sussex Finals in Tri Golf for 2 consecutive years after introducing it into the curriculum last year. · A football league set up between local cluster to allow more opportunities for all after school club members to play matches. Over 30 represented. · 73% of KS2 were recorded to have represented the school in competition or sport. (An increase from last year). · Nursery staff trained and started delivery of Real Play sessions to now be able to engage families through physical play at home. · PE Monitoring and teacher support to improve the quality of teaching of PE across the school implemented to improve the quality of teaching. · Staff survey showed 100% staff enjoy teaching PE and 92% feel confident teaching PE (an increase from last year). · Pupil surveys showed 96% enjoy PE lessons and 91% feel successful during lessons. An increase from previous year. · Play leaders employed for every class to encourage more physical activity and games. · Outdoor Learning provided across the year to targeted classes with an introduction to a gardening club in the summer terms. · Cross Country Club provided Monday, Wednesday and Friday for KS2. Over 150 children attended and competed in the Cross Country Cluster event. · 65% of the school cycled, scooted or walked to school during The Big Walk & Wheel. We finished 301st Nationally out of 1026 schools. · Links were developed with Active Hastings to promote Girls Tag Rugby in Yr5/6. · Time allocated to look at effective ways we can support children with SEN in PE. · Sandown were awarded the Platinum Award for the Schools Games Mark in 2021-22, which carried on into 2022-23. ·The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Platinum can only be achieved once gained gold status for 5 consecutive years. |
See full PE Premium report for quotes.
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