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Personal, Social, Health and Economic education is an essential part of our school curriculum, preparing children for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences both in school and in later life. It is integral across our whole school vision and our curriculum is tailored to the individual needs of our children. 


By the time they leave Sandown, children are equipped with the skills to navigate relationships, understand how to keep themselves mentally and physically healthy, stay safe and be a good citizen in their community and the wider world.

Our PSHE programme is taught dynamically alongside the Jigsaw PSHE scheme and we cover the following areas:

  • Online safety
  • Keeping safe
  • Health and hygiene
  • Being healthy and keeping fit
  • Cultural diversity and differences
  • Financial capability
  • Citizenship and pupil voice
  • Being part of a community
  • Looking after the environment
  • Careers and aspirations
  • Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RSHE) following statutory guidance

Many of these topics are covered within the following Jigsaw units:

  • Being me in my world
  • Celebrating difference
  • Dreams and goals
  • Healthy me
  • Relationships
  • Changing me

Since September 2020, all primary schools are legally required to teach ‘relationships’ education. The government have committed to statutory health education, meaning the majority of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education will be compulsory. If parents would like to request the right to withdraw their child, they must contact the head teacher. 

Additionally, Sandown have adopted the 8 Essential Skills and teach the children the importance of these skills to ensure they are fully equipped for when they leave school and enter the big world. These skills are:

  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Aiming high
  • Staying positive
  • Creativity
  • Problem solving
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership

To read our PSHE curriculum overview please click here

Through PSHE at Sandown children learn to:

Through PSHE at Sandown children learn to:

Through PSHE at Sandown children learn to:

Through PSHE at Sandown children learn to:

For additional information about this subject, please contact the school office and ask to speak to the subject leader.